Sunday, October 04, 2009

I've been very bad about posting pictures so I thought I would just post a whole bunch before I get even further behind. Jocelyn and Dylan are enjoying, well they probably wouldn't use that word, middle school. They both seem to be making lots of friends. It's hard for me to think back on the day they arrived at our house. So small and cute. Well, they are both still cute but now they say these things that remind me they will soon be teenagers. I am so looking forward to that! This summer they were a huge help with Sophia. When they return home from school she squeals with delight. Sophia is eating lots of solids. Whenever I'm stealing a snack she catches me and tries to get some of whatever I'm having. I do draw the line on Oreos. Her crawl resembles a sprint and she cruises around the coffee table quite quickly. She stands without support multiple times during the day so we are waiting for the walking to begin. It is so fun to watch her personality develop. She is quite vocal and is always talking. She also has three teeth. Her birthday is rapidly approaching and it's hard to think that a year can go by so quickly. As I was rocking her tonight I was trying to remember just how small she use to be. Of course all this did was cause some tears to fall. I do feel so blessed to have such a wonderful family. Enjoy the photos!

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