I think Dylan is rapidly growing up. He seems to spend all of his time at the game hanging out and teasing the girls. Oh my!!
During the game Sophia and I sat on a blanket. She plays around while I watch. Well, last night some girls decided to play catch behind me. So I didn't see them back there, this part makes me feel a little better. I guess one of the girls didn't catch the ball and it bounced and hit Sophia in the head. She cried for probably a minute and then was fine. I on the other hand was a little distraught. She seemed ok, but I just didn't really know. I headed over to our van as the game was almost over and was going to start packing up. Then I saw all of the police cars that were telling all of us nonlawabiding citizens that we were parked in a no parking zone. I was having a bad day previous to the softball to the head incident so when the officer started talking to me I started crying. I think at first he thought I was that worried about a ticket. I quickly informed him that my daughter was hit in the head. He was very kind and asked if I would like him to call the ambulance. I said yes and so we waited. So I guess Sophia and I had our first sit in an ambulance. The paramedic told me what to look for but didn't offer too much advice. We got home around 8 and put Sophia to bed. At this time I was trying diligently to reach Fred, who was out of town. He also appeared to have his phone turned off. He NEVER turns his phone off. I woke Sophia and fed her about 9:30 and all seemed ok. Fred in the meantime had called our pediatrician (why didn't I think of that??). They said with anyone under a year old to go in and get a cat scan just to be sure. I swooped up the sleeping baby, left instructions for Jocelyn and Dylan, and headed off to the ER. After getting initally checked over we were given a pager (the ones like you get in restaurants) and told to wait in the lobby. The kind nurse told me it was very busy tonight and it could be hours! The waiting room was a loud room full of TVs and sick people. I thought I was really in for trouble. I quickly snuck around corners and found a nice dark quiet room. Sophia quickly went back to sleep and I think I did too. Sometime after midnight we were called back. A doctor came in fairly quickly and a cat scan was done. I couldn't believe how happy Sophia was even when she was woken from a sound sleep. She even smiled at a few of the nurses. Fortunately, all was well with the scan and we were able to leave for home. This was good news for me as I was exhausted. I crawled into bed somewhere around 2:20 AM. Sophia did sleep in and took a 3 hour nap today which was great. Needless to say we were in our pajamas most of the day. Thankfully she appears to be perfectly healthy and happy today. She doesn't even have a bruise or bump on her head. Hopefully the next game will be less traumatic.
I would be freeking out!!! Way to stay calm mommy.
Oh no, that is not fun. I'm so glad everything turned out OK.
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