Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Stripey Saturday

This Saturday we ventured out into the horrible wind to check out a new burger place that Fred said was good. Well, when we got there I knew why he liked this place. This place reminded me of In and Out Burger. Of course the food didn't measure up but it was pretty good. Oh, I almost forgot this post is about stripes. Ok, Sophia had an accident while at the restaurant so I took her out to the van for a quick change. It wasn't on her shirt so I just needed to change her pants. She was wearing a stripe shirt and the only extra pants I had brought along were a nonmatching stripe but I didn't want the hassle of a whole wardrobe change. Did I mention I was hungry and my food was waiting for me on the table? So away we went with three different stripe patterns going on. I guess I forgot to tell you her socks were also stripe. She did look a bit ridiculous. I recently bought some cute stripe pajamas and thought she should definitely wear these tonight. Therefore Saturday was definitely Stripey Saturday. That is if stripey is a real word!?

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